Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bed Frames

In my lifetime I have just about slept on everything. From the floor to army cots to air mattresses ( the ones that lose all their air throughout the night to the ones that hold air well ) to all sizes of beds from twin to California king to water beds. I have done my share of sleeping on couches too....especially when I've been in trouble. I had the opportunity to try a bed of nails in the Philippines once....I opted out of that experience.

If you have a bed, you need a bed frame....that is unless you like that "close to the floor feeling". Frames come in all types, from wood to metal to cement block, if you so choose...but you need one in order to have that "sleeping in a bed off the floor" feeling. I recently learned that you have to have the right kind of frame....if it's metal especially....to fit the right size of mattress. Metal frames are made of different strengths of material to properly hold the appropriate size mattress. Twin and full mattresses don't need a heavy duty bed frame as do queen and larger mattresses do.

I bought a queen mattress set with a light metal frame. It held pretty well for awhile. It squeaked, squawked, and moved a little when I turned over and such but it seemed OK....until two nights ago. Somewhere in the night the middle cross brace at the bottom broke in half and one of the legs buckled under itself putting one corner of my mattress completely to the floor.

This happened while I was asleep dreaming of sugar plums and buffet lines....Now I'm not necessarily a small man but I don't have the body density of the Incredible Hulk either.....
....and I learned something else while waking up face down on the carpeted floor....God never intended man to sleep on an incline! If you roll over, you're gonna keep going. You're gonna end up pulling carpet fibers from your molars because the floor will rudely stop your fall. It's called gravity and it is very unpleasant to experience from a dead sleep!

As I grabbed a pillow and moved to the couch I thought about the verse in Proverbs 16:18. It goes like this, from The Message:
"First pride, then the crash - the bigger the ego, the harder the fall."
Falling from my bed isn't the only crash I have experienced this past week. Lessons from a bed frame can be valuable, especially when we start thinking we're "all that and a bag of chips." Just when I think I have it all together is really the critical time for me to do a heart check, because there's probably a crash coming if I don't. I am putting my life on the right foundation again....hope yours is already there.

1 comment:

  1. Tracy (a.k.a. David)April 28, 2010 at 11:38 AM

    None of us are "all that and a bag of chips" and like you, I get into trouble when I think so. Great post - KEEP WRITING!
