Sunday, May 30, 2010


I am always honored and touched when I attend church on Memorial Day weekend because it never fails that Armed Forces Veterans are recognized for their contribution to the safekeeping of our Nation's freedoms that each American enjoys. I well up with tears and truly am proud that I had the privilege of serving my country in the United States Air Force from December 1984 to February 1990 with an added reserve commitment until December 1992. I obligated eight years of my life to military duty.

I experienced many events during those years from joyful to tragic, peaceful to violent, and secure to unsure. Some experiences I remember with fondness and still talk about them today. Some experiences to this day I find very difficult to talk about at all. But I am glad I can say I did my part. I gave some of my life to become part of a fraternity of men and women who made personal sacrifices for the good of the country they love.

I gave some of my life....there are some that gave all of their life. They are the ones who literally laid down their lives for our freedoms here in is to these that make Memorial Day a day for remembering. It is to these we honor their ultimate sacrifice. Because of them and what they gave up, Memorial Day is more than a family cookout and a day off from work. To those who gave all I offer my gratitude and tribute.

On this day I also remember another who gave all. My Lord Jesus when he sacrificed himself on a cross for my spiritual freedom. Ephesians 2:4 starts with, "But God, who is rich in mercy....that word rich can be exchanged with the word exhaustless. So it could be read, "But God, who is exhaustless in mercy....I could not out-sin the far reaches of his mercy no matter how hard I tried. When I run away from him, no matter how far....when I stop, his love is waiting for me there. No matter what I do and no matter how hideous to others my sin may be....God's mercy toward me is exhaustless. What a blessing, what a privilege, what a Saviour!

Jesus gave all, I gave none. The first three verses of Ephesians 2 tell us what we were before God intervened with his mercy in verse four. We weren't pretty and there was nothing in and of ourselves that was redeemable. In other words, nothing in us was good enough to merit and win God's favor. I had nothing to give God in exchange for my salvation. It was all of him. I couldn't work my way to heaven because even my good works were filthy to this holy God

God so loved us he gave his only son that we may have fellowship with him. It was all of him and none of us. So I remember also with gratitude that at the age of fourteen God called me out of my darkness and into his light. Jesus became my Saviour and I became a part of God's family. I received my spiritual freedom. I gained Christ and heaven.

Remember to take time and remember the sacrifices made for your personal freedoms and the freedom of the country in which you live from those who gave all to buy it. And remember your spiritual freedoms that came from the sacrifice of the One who gave all.

Memorial Day blessings to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Richard, for serving our country and defending our freedoms as a nation. Thanks also for the reminder of the ultimate sacrifice that Christ made for our freedom. It means the world to me, as I know it does to you.
