Thursday, October 1, 2009

Crazy Love...

There is absolutely nothing more invigorating, more exciting, more affirming, or more rejuvenating in life than being in love. I am not talking about a love where "I Love You" is whispered, kept quiet and private....I am talking about a full blown shout it from the mountaintop kind of love that gets the attention of the whole world, with random acts of PDA to go with ecstatic love, a bold love, a loud love......a crazy love.....the kind you want to experience every day, the kind you want everyone around you to know about and, truth be known, perhaps be even a touch envious of. Yes, we do have a tendency to rub it in a little when we've got the groovy kind of love I am speaking of. This kind of love isn't just for the young either; everyone of every age group desires to be loved like this... I am sure of it.
Even those of us "real men" who wince painfully when our ladies want to see the latest romantic "chick flick" comedy, usually sit back and at some point during the film say to ourselves, "yea, I want to love and be loved like that." We all want it....a crazy love...the one kind of love that defies definition, that goes against any grain of logic, that is understood more clearly by demonstration than by explanation.
Sadly, many in this life never ever experience a love like this. Oh, the love in the beginning of the relationship may look a little crazy but life happens and the first thing to wane under the stress of circumstances is the fairy tale we all hoped would outlast life itself. Next, the virus of disillusionment sets in and things never seem quite the same. Crazy love becomes downgraded to something "less than" and for most, a reluctant surrender is made to the fact that crazy love is gone... never to show up again. So we settle and make peace with having a love no different than anyone else and yet, we miss the crazy love we once knew....and life goes on anyway.
I can't answer the question of a lasting crazy love when it comes to humans because, well.... we're human. Being human means being flawed and being flawed means sometimes falling short of even those things we desire to attain that are good and worth chasing after. This is simply the consequence of our humanity. However I do know of a crazy love that transcends our human condition...
...."But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." -Rom.5:8 NLT
God has a crazy love...just think about it for a moment. We (his human creation) are selfish, we love control, and on our own we don't have the inclination to do the right thing because it is much easier to do what is natural...which is the wrong thing. All of these things came to play in the ruination of the garden of Eden and our place in right standing with God. We rebelliously separated ourselves from the crazy love of God.
Knowing all that.... God still pursued us, wooed us, sent us flowers and candy, and compelled us to turn to him again. We remained the object of his desire regardless of all we had done to destroy this union with him. I have pondered on this through my years and have sometimes wondered if his is a crazy love or just plain crazy. Most of us, when we get burned, have an inclination to insure we don't ever get burned again....but God keeps coming back again and again and again.....why?
Because he is crazy head over heels in love with us. His love for us is great ( I usually replace this word in the verse with crazy), boundless, far-reaching, endless, and rock solid. He looks beyond our fraility and our sin, he peers into our deepest parts and sees the emptiness that only his love can fill. He does not want us to be lacking so he demonstrates his love toward us, shouts his love for us from the mountaintop by giving the apple of his eye to us. His crowning jewel becomes our possession so we might in turn become his. We are his pearl of great price and he pays dearly, sparing nothing. We don't deserve it, can't earn it, and are too bankrupt to buy it. All we can do is freely receive it in the manner it is freely given......and it is given freely because of this crazy love of God. Go ahead and try to explain can't. It just is.
Desire crazy love in your life? Turn to him because he truly does..... love you like crazy....

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